Shortcake Roll Call 3

I do this once a year and the results are always hard to predict, but it’s time for the annual SHORTCAKE ROLL CALL.

Are you reading this right now? Yes, you are. So should you leave me a comment today? Yes, you should. Are we all incredibly foxy and gorgeous and so cool that people are jealous? Yes, of course. So let’s celebrate. In the comment section. Yes.

Much like the previous roll calls, you don’t have to leave your real name if that makes you feel weird. (I secretly read blogs too! It’s totally fun!) Make up a name! Or leave a clue about who you are! I just want to love you back!

Also I think this Roll Call would be kickass if you told me a FUN FACT about yourself.

Okay, ready?


“Anyone? Something d-o-o economics.”


This week has been a little frustrating because while I have the time and energy to write, I don’t have much to write about. I’m happy for one thing. That’s always a little boring. I have maybe 3 entries that I’m messing around with, but they all require a camera, scanner, conclusion or something cohesive to tie it together.

Next weekend is going to be so exhausting and overwhelming – full of booze, sweets, karaoke, alleged making out, shennanigans, debauchery, the whole shebang – that I am probably going to hibernate this weekend to save my energy, money and calorie intake. Also I learned how to make Christmas bows out of magazines? So I’m doing that. It may be another week before you hear from me. Depends when the mood strikes.

HOWEVER if I get comments from 30+ people, I’ll write an entry immediately. Deal?

This can never be said enough; I love you guys. And I have only said this once, but the movie Big Bird in China changed my life. I watched this 100 times when I was little, with wide eyes, my mouth agape and my hands clamped on my cheeks all, “Are you serious? ARE YOU SERIOUS.”

So I’ll let Big Bird and a cute Chinese kid (and the ugly kid who’s actually singing off-camera) explain how I feel about you:

(I’m not sure which was more annoying to my parents – the week I sang this song nonstop or the following week when I tried to be a Chinese Acrobat. Either way, I almost got sent back to the orphanage because of this movie. WORTH IT.)


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18 responses to “Shortcake Roll Call 3

  1. Charles

    I don’t even have to drink to say something people will totally freak out about.

  2. The Captain

    I’m Here! And I have the exact opposite problem that you have. There are a ton of things I want to write about, but I have neither the time nor the energy. I forgot that the X-mas season in St. Louis is so exhausting. Plus, the highway 64 closing is KILLING me. Sent you some music yesterday, hope you enjoy!

  3. kevvers

    I play tetris with all my extra energy on tetris friends – please help me. It is eating my soul.

  4. Emily

    I liked that movie too! I loved Barkley. I wanted him to be my very own. Here’s to another year of IMing!!

  5. Dr. Booty – Are you talking about what happened at TPC? Because that was hilarious.

    Captain – Thank you!! (I am going to the Galleria after work and am NOT looking forward to the HWY 40 aftermath.)

    Kev – Put it down and step away. STEP AWAY FROM THE TETRIS.

    Emily – IMing with you helped me make it through 2008. Here, here.

  6. Charles

    ah, yes, the duck rape. I’ve proven time and time again that I do not need alcohol to “act a foo” as some may put it. All I need is to do is open my mouth and mention whatever comes to mind, and the next thing I know everyone has gone quiet and is staring blankly in my direction.

  7. Janternet

    fun fact! one time i was on TRL and announced a 50 cent video.

  8. SHUT UP!!! I wasn’t planning on this being a contest, but it is now because YOU WIN.

  9. Heath-Bar

    Here and fun fact

    When me and Step were like 3 years old we got into an argument about my stuffed camel from 6 flags, she thought it was a python and when i kept correcting her she attacked me. 🙂 I still lub her though

  10. Remember when we fought over the remote control in 8th grade and you kicked me in the vajay? I love you. Have a Merry Canadian Christmas.

  11. Heath-Bar

    Omg I did that? Wait, we were watching 12 monkeys and you also smacked me in the tit! Fun times. Also remember that time at Dennis’ farm where your horse ran away and i was laughing too hard to save you?

    Fun times and i still have that brad pitt poster you redecorated to make him look like a drag queen. (12!)

  12. Sarge

    I am one of the Shortcake lurkers – have been following your blog for at least a year, but not sure how I found it. (I think we were friends on MySpace before I nuked my account).

    I am a fan of melancholy insomniacs (like myself) and Haruki Murakami. St. Louis is cool because of people like you. Fun Fact About Me: my grandmother was named Margerie and we called her Momo – like the Missouri Bigfoot. Now my kids call my mom Momo (her name is Marilyn).

    Best wishes to you, your friends and family, especially your dad. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Heather – Violence is golden, at least between us.

    And hello Sarge! Thank you so much for the nice comment!! Best wishes to you, too! (Also I agree; Murakami is dreamy.)

  14. Ben

    I wanna play along. VOO-DOO Economics! I’m paying attention.

  15. JG

    I love reading your blogs as much as you like playing with toys in our basement. (I also like to Thriller with you on occasion) 🙂

  16. The Rocket Queen


  17. Astrogirl

    Shortcake shout-out!

  18. All the cool chicks are posting now! Sweet!

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